Tell your story.

We’ve been working for over a decade with organizations, educators, activists and artists to create documentaries that showcase their mission and the people behind it.

The Answer is in the People | Navajo Nation

The Arrow that Goes In | Navajo Nation

Flyaway - Tender | Open Spaces

Here Still | A Kashmir Short Documentary

Zaccho Dance Theatre | Open Spaces

Brave New Voices 20 Year Anniversary | A Short Documentary

Words Not Walls | Brave New Voices

Mutual Air | Open Spaces

Brave New Voices | Process to Performance

Rethink High School | A Short Doc

Center for Vulnerable Populations Anniversary - Short Documentary

Visionary Public Art | The Open Spaces Project

Future Ids | Open Spaces

We So Bay | Open Spaces Project

Come As You Are - Brave New Voices | A Short Doc

Heroes of Unity | Open Spaces

People's Kitchen Collective | Open Spaces

Anita Borg | A Short Doc

Bringing the Noise Legacy | Short Doc

The Pandemic LP - Rachel Lark | Behind the Scenes Doc

Youth Speaks Teen Slam Finals 2018 | A Short Doc